Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We have decided to start with the lettuce growing. Now I need to get 1 gallon containers and net pots. Then I'll need to get the grow solution and some perilite. We are going to put these in the window sills, and I'll need to add some shelves so we can add more pots in the windows. If this goes well, then next step is a little greenhouse.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We will be building a greenhouse to house the hydroponics. Reason? We need to keep bugs and harsh weather out, but allow sunshine in. In south Louisiana, we have another consideration- the heat. So any greenhouse needs to be able to provide enought air circulation so the plants will not steam and wilt.

Air circulation, no bugs, and cheap construction - this will be a challenging combo!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Chess links

This past year I started to follow the advice to start with an opening for White and 2 for Black and learn them before expanding my repertoire.

So, my opening for White is the Colle including the Zuckertort system.

For black, it is a newer opening called the Hippo.

As for 2009, I'll explore some related openings, such as the Owens and Queen's Indian and White Hippo.


Here are some links I found that tell about it. Some are for DIY, some sell you stuff - ranging from okay to WTF?!.

DIY lettuce grower! This is the first one we are going to do - it's simple and will be done inside.

Update 5/9/09- Well this project didn't get started. I have done more transplanting ginger and Blue Thunder, that'll be enough for this year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

2009 Book Challenges

Challenge 1. Spiritually Speaking Challenge

Hosted by Reading Extravaganza

The rules of the challenge are:
1. Read 6 books from January 31st, 2009 to June 30th, 2009.
2. The main theme of all the titles you choose must be spiritual, metaphysical or self-help.
3. The books can be both fiction & non-fiction.
4. You don't have to have a blog to participate.
5. A new copy of 'Happiness is a Choice' by Barry Neil Kaufman will be raffled away at the end of the challenge among the participants. You don't have to do anything special, just have fun! And let's fate decide who gets the prize.

To sign up, click here.

My List:
1. Poems of Life, by Ronnie Lee -DONE!
2. The Judgement in the Mirrow by Neil Chapelle
3. Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine - DONE!
4. Consciousness at the Crossroads by the Dalai Lama et al.
5. How to Practise: the way to a meaningful like by the Dalai Lama
6. The body quantum : the new physics of body, mind, and health by Fred Alan Wolf


Challenge 2. eBook Reading Challenge

Hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog.

This challenge is for readers who love eBooks or would like to explore more in 2009. I currently have five or six eBooks and this would be a fun way to get them read.

1. You can join anytime as long as you don’t start reading to your books prior to 2009.
2. Read 10 eBooks in 2009.
3. Overlaps with other challenges are fine.
4. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, list the direct link to your post where your eBooks will be listed. If you list just your blog’s URL, it will be removed.

If you’ll be posting your challenges on your sidebar, then please put the button up and link before signing up.
If you don’t have a blog, leave the URL blank.

5. You do not have to list your books ahead of time. If you decide to, you can change them as you go. Feel free to remove or add titles as needed.

Click to sign up.

My List:

1. The Blog Manual by Brad Ney -DONE
2. The Judgement in the Mirrow by Neil Chapelle
3. Dive into Python by Mark Pilgram -IN PROGRESS
4. Consciousness at the Crossroads by the Dalai Lama et al.
5. Quantum Buddhism by Francois Lepine -DONE!


* the challenge is to read 12 TBR books in 12 months -- you can read those all in one month if you want, or one a month, or however you wanna do it.

* you need to have a list posted somewhere for others to see (even if it's in a comment here)* you CANNOT change your list after January 1st, 2009!!!
* you can create an Alternates list of MAXIMUM 12 books, if you want, in order to have options to choose from (you can read these in place of books on your original list).
* audiobooks and e-books ARE allowed* re-reads are NOT allowed, as they aren't TRUE "TBRs"* you CAN overlap with other challenges* OPTIONAL: you can join the Yahoo! Group created for participants of the TBR Challenge, if you want to have a place to keep your list, or just to share with others about how you're doing! :)
Click to sign up:
My List:
1. Colle-Zukertort in the Trenches by David Rudel
2. Doing Business in 21st Centuty India by Gunjan Bagla -DONE
3. Poems of Life by Ronnie Lee -DONE
4. Consciousness at the Crossroads by the Dalai Lama et al.
5. Python Web Programming by Steve Holden -DONE
6. How to Practise: the way to a meaningful like by the Dalai Lama
7. The Blog Manual by Brad Ney -DONE
8. Google Tools by Donna Baker
9. Next Generation ABAP Development by Heilman and Jung
10. The Judgement in the Mirrow by Neil Chapelle
11. The body quantum : the new physics of body, mind, and health by Fred Alan Wolf
12. Dive into Python by Mark Pilgram -IN PROGRESS